Michael Hepworth
Create a Perfect Canvas for Foundation
By Kay Schroeder
HOLLYWOOD(Perfect Skin Today)8/12/16/–My first introduction to Le Mieux Cosmetics was about three years ago when my aesthetician, Lauren Karl gave me a bottle of Phyto-Nutrient Cleansing Gel as a Christmas gift. This cleanser garnered Five Stars as Best Cleanser of 2013 Product Awards. Composed of 12 botanical extracts, brown, green, and red algae extracts, and phytonutrient micro-bubbles, this cleanser cleans exceptionally well while maintaining the skin’s moisture which is essential to keeping the skin well hydrated. I love this cleanser because it is creamy to the touch, has a subtle scent, and leaves the skin moist, but not greasy or oily.
My interest in Le Mieux was peaked again when I learned recently that makeup artist Vanessa Scali chose Le Mieux Cosmetics exclusively to create a radiant, but not overpowering look for actress and singer Anna Kendrick for her appearance at the June 29th Los Angeles Premiere of Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates, held at ArcLight Cinerama Dome, Los Angeles, CA.
To compliment the fun but sophisticated Calvin Klein leather dress that Anna wore, Scali said that she wanted to create the look of a soft, glowing skin, pink cheeks, and shimmery, smoky taupe eyes. To achieve this glowing look, Scali first applied Le Mieux TGF Booster Serum; next applied was the Bio Cell Rejuvenating Cream, then the Eye Wrinkle Corrector: in her words, she wanted “to create a perfect canvas for foundation.” Scali added, “All the Le Mieux products work really well with makeup. They impart treatment without affecting how your makeup adheres.”
One look at Ms. Kendrick’s photos confirms that make up artist, Vanessa Scali and Le Mieux Cosmetics masterfully accomplished that stunning, glowing, shimmery look.

When I received the same Le Mieux Cosmetics that Scali used for Anna, I was intrigued and eager to test and evaluate them. I got out my 8” round mirror and flipped it over to the greatly magnified side. It takes courage to perform this step, however, looking at your skin under magnification enables you to make an honest evaluation of what your clean, bare skin looks like before any product is applied to it. Take a few minutes to notice fine lines, discolorations, or any other imperfections. You might want to jot these observations down to use as a comparison to what your skin looks like after the application of the Le Mieux Cosmetics.
Following the same application methods and techniques Scali described, I applied the Le Mieux TGF Booster Serum. The l oz. bottle comes with an eyedropper top, making dispensing and application of the serum a breeze.
Next to be applied was the Le Mieux Bio Cell Rejuvenating Cream. The silky consistency of this cream enables it to cover the skin easily and smoothly with a surprisingly small amount of the product. Its barely perceptible fragrance was a pleasant and appreciated surprise.
Finishing the preparation for foundation was the Le Mieux Eye Wrinkle Corrector that comes in a convenient pump bottle. Take care to dispense a very small amount; this wonderfully smooth cream also covers the skin with a very small amount.
It is now time for The Moment of Truth. Bring out your trusty 8” round magnifying mirror again. Examine your skin with the same critical eye you used before. Do you see a difference in the fine lines or discolorations? Perhaps more interesting is, do you also notice the appearance of an improved texture of your skin? I did. I am convinced you will also.
Le Mieux has a wonderful display of cosmetics and product information on their website: www.lemieuxcosmetics.com. The website also has a very helpful, interactive feature called “Ask a Question.” Visitors may ask a question, type a comment/suggestion, and/or receive feedback from others. I love being able to review the products, prices, customer reviews, and other detailed information before I buy anything. I found Le Mieux Cosmetics to be of very high quality.
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Michael Hepworth
287 S.Robertson Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90211