Ancient Skin Remedy from the Himalayas is the New Modern Beauty Berry Christmas GIVEAWAY



Michael Hepworth



Ancient Skin Remedy from the Himalayas is the New Modern Beauty Berry












The Abundance of Omega-7 in the Superfood Berry is a Rescue for Problematic Skin





Perfect Skin Today

 Salt Lake City, UT(Perfect Skin Today)12/14/16/-The use of ancient, revered superfoods in beauty formulations is one of the hottest beauty trends in the marketplace. Sea Buckthorn, also known by the prettier name “Sea Berry,” is one of the ultra-nutritious superfoods driving the movement. Like other superfoods used for beauty enhancement such as goji berries and acai, Sea Buckthorn ‘feeds the skin’ with many potent compounds. Sea Berry is versatile and can be applied topically, and ingested as a pure juice or as a supplement.

Celebrated for over 13 centuries in the Himalayan valleys, Sea Berry’s ability to rejuvenate tissue and improve whole body health makes it one of the premiere beauty ingredients, although it still remains largely unknown to most consumers. Packed with over 190 bioactive compounds, Sea Buckthorn is the world’s richest source of omega-7 fatty acids. Omega-7 is vital to collagen production, which bolsters the health of skin, hair, and nails.

SIBU is a leading beauty brand that stands out from others using Sea Buckthorn, due to the company’s long history of continual refinement of their product’s formulation and the superior quality of the fruit it sources exclusively from the Himalayan highlands. Although the small orange berry grows in other regions of the world, the Turkestanica variety that SIBU sustainably harvests from the Himalayas is the most nutrient-dense of all varieties. This optimum efficacy is a direct result of the evolution of a sub-species that has adapted to thrive at 12,000 feet above seal level in one of the harshest natural environments on the planet.

SIBU Sea Berry Therapy – Skincare, Supplements & Puree

SIBU Sea Berry Therapy consists of a full range of luxurious skin care products and supplements that promote recovery and healing for dry damaged skin, fine lines, wrinkles, age spots and more. In addition to topical personal care products, SIBU offers supplements, including Omega-7 Pure, a 100% sea berry puree which delivers the benefits of omega-7, internally. Three premier certified laboratories independently test all SIBU products for nutrient efficacy, to ensure and verify a high standard of quality.

About SIBU 

SIBU is a premium, natural skin therapy and supplement line made from wild-grown Sea Buckthorn berries sourced directly from the Himalayas. Born out of a passion for advancing positive philanthropic business, SIBU partners with local women’s co-ops that hand pick wild berries under a fair trade agreement. Sea Buckthorn (known as the “beauty berry” across Europe and Asia) contains over 190 bioactive compounds that restore, revitalize, and protect youthful beauty from the inside-out AND outside-in. Also referred to as “Sea Berry,” Sea Buckthorn delivers the most potent form of Omega 7, a powerhouse fatty acid. Vegan, gluten-free, and made in the USA, the SIBU Sea Berry Therapy line has grown to include 15 topical and ingestible products targeted to “rescue problematic skin” – including some certified organic products. SIBU strives to run a responsible business that respects people and the planet.













Michael Hepworth

287 S.Robertson Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90211


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