Michael Hepworth
By Sandee Whiteman
Los Angeles(Perfect Skin Today)1/5/16/–In Los Angeles, you will find there are so many treatments to help with anti-aging, but one that has been used for centuries, is still a making a mark in this decade and that is Cosmetic Acupuncture.
Cosmetic Acupuncture is a non-surgical treatment, which reduces the signs of aging. The treatment is based on treating not just the facial region, but also the whole body. This is because the face is a reflection of the mind, body, and spirit. By treating the whole person, Dr. Martin can help to bring a natural glow to your skin. The treatment is safe compared to invasive options and it is the only treatment that actually treats the whole body and improves overall health in a person.
Now you may ask how does it work? Well I was thinking the same, but decided to get a treatment done myself, by one of the best in Los Angeles.

Dr. Randy Martin, OMD, is a Doctor of Chinese Medicine and has three offices throughout the Los Angeles area, and has been practicing and teaching Acupuncture since 1983. He has published numerous articles on Oriental Medicine, as well produced various audio and videos on variety of health topics at a National and International level. He considers his highest calling to helping others become their own healer.
His first two books, Optimal Health, How to Get It, and How To Keep It, and No Mud, No Lotus, are available on Amazon.
After my initial consultation with Dr. Randy Martin, he asked me several questions regarding my health and also asked if I may have any other health concerns. Of course being a woman at any age, we all have cosmetic health concerns, and I was concerned about the fine lines and a furrow brow line, along with some adult acne and some pain in my neck and upper back.
I found it interesting that during the consultation, Dr Martin found that stemming from my answers I might have digestion problems that would be related to my facial wrinkles. He suggested we work together on the digestive system along with acupuncture points on the face, such as small fine lines and furrow brow.
Now some may say “Wait…I’m scared of needles!” Well these needles are not your average surgical needles, and Dr. Randy Martin said, “Acupuncture should never hurt.” So this gave me a strong sense of relief…

Dr. Randy Martin also uses very thin needles and says these work just as well as some other acupuncturist’s thicker needles. Dr. Martin also uses a guide tube and this helps pin point each pressure point throughout the body and further lesson the sensation of the needle. His main focus is to analyze all symptoms of the imbalance in the body and the mind together bringing you back into balance…
So after discussing the consultation issues and my concern about the needles, the treatment began. It was surprisingly very calming and relaxing. The needles were placed on meridians (invisible energy pathways) of the body based on the consultation; I fell into a deep slumber alpha state for 45 minutes.
After the treatment I noticed that my skin was glowing and that the small lines and furrow brow were less noticeable. I also noticed within a few days that my bowels and digestive system were more regular.
The results are in: Cosmetic Acupuncture WORKS, and is definitely a Cosmetic Treatment on the market that needs to be experienced for radiant skin and for your overall mind, body and spirit…. Feel good and take a trip to one of Dr. Randy Martin offices either in Valencia, Encino or West Los Angeles. For more information visit http://www.drrandymartin.com/or email Dr. Martin at drrandymartin@gmail.com
Michael Hepworth
287 S.Robertson Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90211