Michael Hepworth
Therapeutic massage and wellness center

By Sandee Whiteman
Los Angele, CA(Perfect Skin Today)–Did you know that chronic pain affects at least 116 million Americans Each Year? Americans spend more then 50 million each year on back pain related care.. Why?
A lot of the common reasons are overweight, desk jobs, poor posture, stress, lifting and sitting. But, did anyone know that pain can actually cause tension to your skin and pull and stretch and cause aging?
Some of us have no idea of the amount of stress we are under in our bodies until we start feeling the pain. In reality we should start taking care of our bodies before the pain begins, and relieving the tension. Lucky for Los Angelenos we have a place that can take care of the pain before it begins, and after? This place is known as MetaTouch.
MetaTouch was founded by Holden Zalma in 1994. He began his career at USC in massage therapy as the assistant athletic trainer. He has over 20 years of experience in massage therapy and special training in Myo-Fascial Release, Oriental Medicine, Assisted Stretching, and other rehabilitative therapies. His focus is finding the core of the pain, and dealing with it at the source.
Holden sat down with me and asked me a few questions about my lifestyle and where the pain was coming from in my body? After years of neck and back pain, I was shocked to find out that the source of the problem was actually coming from my hips. After working on various parts of my body and using his trained unique techniques, and hitting all the precise points, I started to feel a sense of relief after many years of suffering. I also noticed that my third eye felt less pressure and started relieving tension around my face area and made me appear more youthful.
Though some physical treatments take time, I started felling better after the first session; he explained to me though some physical treatments take time, he has a success rate that his clients get better too quick. He recommends up to at least three treatments to overall stable the body.
Holden Zalma and MetaTouch where massage is the game and Miracle Worker is his name…
For more information visit metatouch.com or call 310.397.3422
Michael Hepworth
287 S.Robertson Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90211